The GSWE curriculum includes courses designed to develop students’ academic and professional English skills at the graduate level. Academic English courses are offered in each program as follows:
British & American Cultural Studies・英文科学専攻
English Workshop I-II / イングリッシュ・ワークショップ (2 credits each)
This class aims to develop students’ academic English vocabulary and reading skills as well as provide practice in speaking and discussion. Where needed, the course will also cover preparation for academic English proficiency tests such as TOEFL and IELTS.
Academic Writing I-II / アカデミック・ライティング (2 credits each)
This class focuses on basic writing skills for academic and professional purposes, including the writing of research essays and reports, with emphasis on paragraph development, proper documentation of sources and academic style as well as email and other forms of professional communication.
Research Methods I-II / リサーチ・メソッド (2 credits each)
This course will provide students will guidance in the preparation of a major research project. The course will cover a variety of skills including selecting and focusing a research topic, engaging sources and making notes, developing an argument, writing outlines, proposals, abstracts and literature reviews as well as developing specific vocabulary and expressions for the research project. Students in the course will be encouraged to become familiar with the conventions of academic research and writing in their respective disciplines.
World Englishes・国際英語学専攻
Approaches to Essay Writing in English I-II / 英語論文作成法特論 (2 credits each)
This course offers students guidance in the writing of English essays for academic purposes.
Presentation I-II / 英語プレゼンテーション特論 (2 credits each)
This course will assist students in developing skills for giving professional and academic presentations in English.
English as an International Academic Language I-II (2 credits each)
This class is designed to give Chukyo University graduate students—both from the Department of World Englishes as well as other graduate schools within the university—practical oral skills in using English as an academic language in international settings. Whether travelling to conferences or workshops held overseas, or needing to interact with foreign scholars who are visiting Japan, students need the ability to function in English for a variety of purposes, and in a variety of genres. The class will be adjusted to an appropriate level to suit each student, with individual attention given to different students’ particular English abilities and needs—even if a student’s English proficiency is still quite low. Topics covered in the class will include:
(1) English for Discussion and Debate among international academics
(2) Using English in a proper Academic Register when giving a paper.
(3) How to handle ‘Question and Answer’ sessions following academic presentations
(4) Giving Introductions for colleagues and academic speakers at a conference
(5) Practical English for Social Gatherings within an academic setting