Dean’s Message・研究科長の挨拶

Naoshi Nakagawa, Dean of GSWE

In the 21st century, the English language continues to play a central role in the flows of people, goods and information that make up our globalized world. English is not only the language of international trade, research and education, media and politics. It is also a medium of communication and cultural expression for millions of native and non-native speakers and international cultural producers.

In this incredibly diverse and rapidly changing world, the need for highly skilled professionals to work across borders and cultures is more pressing than ever.

Established in 2006, the Graduate School of World Englishes (GSWE) offers an MA degree with specializations in World Englishes and British and American Cultural Studies.

These specializations offer high quality academic and professional training for postgraduate students interested in international aid and development, intercultural communication, English education, linguistics, media and cultural studies in the English speaking world (especially, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada as well as the Caribbean, India and other areas of Asia). In addition to our academic course offerings, GSWE provides extensive academic and professional English support through our language program courses.