James D’Angelo 教授


Born in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. .Earned a B.A. in Economics from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 1982, MBA from Boston University 1992, an MA. in Bilingual/ESL from UMASS/Boston 1995 and Ph.D. from North-West University, Vaal Triangle, South Africa, 2016. Employed at Chukyo University since 2001, becoming full Professor in 2006.


World Englishes, English as an International Language, English as a Lingua Franca.


国際英語教育学特論I/II, 国際英語学特殊演習I-IV.


World Englishes, Japan Association for Asian Englishes (JAFAE) board of directors,

Japan Association for College English Teachers (JACET)


Editor in Chief of Routledge journal Asian Englishes; founding member of JACET ELF Special Interest Group,


(2017) “The Status of ELF in Japan.” Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. J. Jenkins et al., eds. London: Routledge.

(2017) “Afterword.” In Selvi, A.F. and N. Rudolph, Contextualizing Education for Glocal Interaction. Singapore: Springer.

(2015) “Nurturing EMI in Broad-Based Japanese Higher Education.” Waseda Working Papers in ELF, vol. 4, pp. 219-228.

(2014) “Firth and Wagner ’97 and ’07: Mainstream SLA wakes up to World Englishes?” In T. Shiozawa et al. (eds.), Gendai Shakai to Eigo (Modern Society and English). Tokyo: Kinseido.

(2013) “The WEs/EIL paradigm and Japan’s NS propensity: Challenging the ‘friendly face’ of West-based TESOL.” In Giri, R. and R. Marlina (eds.), Theory and Principles of English as an International Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars

(2013) “Japanese English? Refocusing the Discussion.” Asian English Studies, vol. 15, 2013.

(2012) “WEs-Informed EIL Curriculum: Towards a Functional, Educated Outcome.” In Matsuda, Aya (ed.) Teaching English as an International Language. {Also lesson plan in appendix: “Teaching EIL with Il Postino: Seeing Culture through Idioms & Metaphors.”} Toronto: Multilingual Matters.

(2012) “Curriculum and World Englishes: Additive Language Learning (ALL) as Culture, Context and Goal.” In English in Southeast Asia: Features, Policy and Language in Use. Low, E.L. and A. Hashim, eds., Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2012) “What Nearby Models can Japan Consider in the Era of Globalized Higher Education? Journal of College of World Englishes, No. 14, February 2012.

(2011) “The Kachru-Smith Ethos of Inclusivity in Japan: The Exonormative – Endonormative Debate Resolved.” Journal of College of World Englishes, No. 13, February 2011.

 (2008) “The Japan Context and the Expanding Circle: A Kachruvian Response to Debbie Ho.” Asian Englishes, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 64-75, winter 2008.

(2005) “Educated Japanese English: expanding oral/aural core vocabulary.” World Englishes, Volume 24, No. 3, August 2005.
