Three third-year students from BACS took part in the 5th Annual All Japan Student English Presentation Contest, held at Kanda University and co-sponsored with the Yomiuri Shimbun.
The all-day event took place on Saturday, December 3rd.
BACS students Yumi Kurobe, Hirotaka Nishimura and Masashi Okuda competed in a field of almost 700 students from across Japan.

In total, eight students from the World Englishes Department qualified to compete in the event.
Ms. Kurobe and Mr. Nishimura placed in the top 50 scoring presenters and received the special Top 50 Award along with a gift card.
Their presentation focused on the use of an innovative Japanese product to aid water conservation in California while Mr. Okuda’s presentation focused on the use of software and VR goggles to treat depression.
In a Facebook post Ms. Kurobe said, “I was very inspired by other speakers because their English and presentation skills are awesome. I realized that I need to work harder than now. I’m pretty sure this presentation is great and precious experience for me.”
The students are enrolled courses in BACS third-year Professional English Program. The presentations are based on projects they completed in their classes.
Ms. Kurobe and Mr. Nishimura were winners in the BACS Presentation Contest, held in October.
For more information about the All Japan Student English Presentation Contest, visit the HP.