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“The tension between the ideal American Dream and the reality was what haunted Scott. I think it haunted him personally and tore him apart at the same time as it inspired and intensified his body of work.”

Bud Schulberg “Remembering Scott” in Bryer et al. (2000), 4.

Gatsby really is an outstanding novel. I never get tired of it, no matter how many times I read it. It’s the kind of literature that nourishes you as you read, and every time I do I’m struck by something new, and experience a fresh reaction to it. I find it amazing how such a young writer, only twenty-nine at the time, could grasp – so insightfully, so equitably, and so warmly – the realities of life. How is this possible? The more I think about it, and the more I read the novel, the more mysterious it all is.”

Haruki Murakami (translator of Gatsby into Japanese)